Great Ways to Update Your Aging Pool and Deck

When you first have a pool installed, we are sure your backyard undergoes a dramatic transformation. However, with time, certain repairs and upgrades are needed. To breathe new life into your pool means not just giving its old glory back, but going back to proper functionality, greater operating ease, and reduction of energy and water consumption. Updating a pool can even result in a reduction of expenses due to the constant need for repairs or refinishing. Based on the state in which your pool is, the following actions can be of great help.

Replace Tile

Damaged and broken pool surfaces are unattractive and rough toward the feet and bathing suits. Additionally, cracked tile or a craggy surface can make the pool prone to leaking or create places where algae can hide. Pool renovation will restore the pool’s surface while avoiding any serious structural damage. Furthermore, smooth and solid pool surfaces create a safer environment, improve aesthetics, and set you in a cost-efficient mode since you’ll save money that would otherwise go toward extra chemicals and cleaning.

Change Coping

Pool coping refers to the pool’s edge material, made from brick, tile, or other materials. Depending on your coping and the climate in the region where you live, certain chips, cracks, and fades occur as part of the normal wear and tear. Pool coping repair is important as bad and faulty coping can affect your whole pool structure. With an expert completion of pool coping repairs, you’ll transform the pool’s entire surroundings as well.

Re-Plaster Interior

Pool plaster needs renovation the same way as flooring or a carpet would need. Years of usage result in wear and tear, transforming into color changes, chips, and mottling. However, a thorough replastering not only restores the surface, it also helps to uphold the structural integrity of the pool’s shell. So, aim for something with a slip-resistant quartz aggregate finish. This will deliver a long-lasting finish with a more distinct appearance.

Apply Mosaics

While re-plastering the pool interior, something you should also consider is mosaic pool tiles. Adding mosaic tiles is a stylish and prefabricated addition that in a simple, yet affordable way, will add a touch of sophistication and personalization to your pool. In fact, you can choose from a variety of designs from family monograms or symbols to colorful patterns.

Add a Water Feature

Another way to update your pool is by adding new features like waterfalls or fountains. As you can see, this upgrade adds visual interest, but did you know that it also improves water filtration, and circulation, while creating a luxurious atmosphere? Plus, you can opt for statuary or even a combination of sconces or water bowls and fire pits or other light effects.

Reduce Depth

Reducing your pool’s depth can make it even more usable. While in the past, the 8-foot-deep end was the default option, nowadays shallow pools are the trend. This move provides more areas for standing, playing, and engaging in water activities. In addition, due to the smaller water capacity, shallow pools will save time and money needed for sanitization, heat, and circulation of the water.

Replace Decking

Just the same, a beautiful pool deck transforms the pool space. With many ways to modernize the pool deck, you can go for colorful plants for visual interest, or harness the power of pool lighting for a perfect pool deck atmosphere.

Enclose Pool

Depending on where you live, mosquitos or horse flies become regular guests in your pool, making it a lot harder to enjoy its beauty. To create a pleasant atmosphere and area that is worth enjoying while protecting all swimmers, try enclosing the whole area with a screen room can go a long way. You can also opt for a style that also provides protection from the sun’s rays.

As you can see, you don’t need to wait until there are many signs of aging around your pool to give us a call. Any time you want to bring a modern touch to your backyard and to give your pool a facelift, the Pool Renovation NJ team is ready to solve any issue at hand. With an experienced and skillful team, no idea is too complex to become a reality.

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